Design Docs & Storyboards

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Design Documents

Fire Safety Design Doc.pdf

Fire Safety
Design Document

This course was designed to train hospital employees on how to avoid and address fires in the workplace.  This course includes a simulation, looping animations, and narration. 

View the full course on the e-Learning page.

Phishing Scams Design Doc.pdf

Phishing Training
Design Document

This course was designed to train employees about the different types of phishing scams and how to respond to a phishing scam. This course includes a scenario, real life examples, and a storyline interaction.

View the full course on the e-Learning page.

Interview Best Practices Design Doc.pdf

Interview Best Practices
Design Document

This course was designed to train hiring managers and recruiters in the art of successful interviews. This course covers proven strategies for preparation, effective communication, and impression management. 


Fire Safety Storyboard_and_Script.pdf

Fire Safety Storyboard

This course was designed to train hospital employees on how to avoid and address fires in the workplace.  This course includes a simulation, looping animations, and narration. 

View the full course on the e-Learning page.

Interview Best Practices Storyboard.pdf

Interview Best
Practices Storyboard

This course was designed to train hiring managers and recruiters in the art of successful interviews. This course covers proven strategies for preparation, effective communication, and impression management. 

Single Color Coding Cells in Google Sheets Storyboard.pdf

Single Color Coding Cells in Google Sheets Camtasia Storyboard

This instructional video provides a concise guide on leveraging conditional formatting in Google Sheets to color code cells. Learn the step-by-step process to highlight data dynamically based on specified conditions, allowing you to visually interpret and analyze your spreadsheet with ease.

View the video on Microlearning page.

Paws Animal Shelter Volunteer Introduction Vyond Storyboard.pdf

Paws Animal Shelter Volunteer Introduction Storyboard

This instructional video offers a comprehensive onboarding guide tailored for animal shelter volunteers. Dive into essential information on shelter operations, as you explore different volunteer work areas and identify specific tasks that contribute to effective animal care and overall shelter functionality, ensuring volunteers are equipped with the knowledge and skills needed to make a positive impact in their role from day one.

View the video on Microlearning page.